The address is 2411 24th St. North, Arlington, VA 22207. For more information, check out www.ArlingtonArtistsAlliance.org
The hours are:
Friday, March 28th OPENING RECEPTION from 6-8pm, Meet the artists and enjoy some wine and nibbles
Saturday, March 29: Open 11am-5pm, BONUS: Artist Talk by Rusty Lynn on the Art and Poetry of Jean Arp and Sophie Tauber Arp from 3pm-4pm. FREE, register at [email protected]
Sunday, March: Open 12 noon-4pm.
Tuesday, April 1: Open 12 noon-4pm. BONUS: Presentation on Oil Bars "Adult Finger Painting Tools" by Jackie Afram 12:30-1:30pm. FREE, register at [email protected]
Wednesday, April 2, Open 12noon-4pm
Thursday, April 3: Open 12noon-4pm BONUS:Workshop: Natures Bounty with Fran Simms. 1:30-3pm. FREE, register at [email protected]
Friday, April 4: Open 10am-12 noon.
Hope you can stop by and enjoy this wonderful show in a 'hidden gem' of a park!